The characteristics of sulfur nanoparticles were studied by using atomic force microscope (AFM) analysis. The atomic force microscope (AFM) measurements showed that the average size of sulfur nanoparticles synthesized using thiosulfate sodium solution through the extract of cucurbita pepo extra was 93.62 nm. Protecting galvanized steel from corrosion in salt media was achieved by using sulfur nanoparticles in different temperatures. The obtained data of thermodynamic in the presence of sulfur nanoparticles referred to high value as compares to counterpart in the absence of sulfur nanoparticles, the high inhibition efficiency (%IE) and corrosion resistance were at high temperature, the corrosion rate or weight loss decreased with increasing temperature in the presence of sulfur nanoparticles. The positive value of enthalpy ∆H* for galvanized steel with and without sulfur nanoparticles indicates that the reaction was endothermic. Therefore, the sulfur nanoparticles can be suggested as good inhibitor for galvanization in salt media.
Cucurbita pepo extra, Corrosion, Galvanized steel, Sulfur nanoparticles, Thermodynamic parameters, Thiosulfate sodium.
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How to Cite this Article
Jassim, Rasha A.; Sando, Muna S.; and Farhan, Ahlam M.
"Protection of Galvanized steel from corrosion in salt media using sulfur nanoparticles,"
Baghdad Science Journal: Vol. 19:
2, Article 12.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.21123/bsj.2022.19.2.0347