In this work, a novel technique to obtain an accurate solutions to nonlinear form by multi-step combination with Laplace-variational approach (MSLVIM) is introduced. Compared with the traditional approach for variational it overcome all difficulties and enable to provide us more an accurate solutions with extended of the convergence region as well as covering to larger intervals which providing us a continuous representation of approximate analytic solution and it give more better information of the solution over the whole time interval. This technique is more easier for obtaining the general Lagrange multiplier with reduces the time and calculations. It converges rapidly to exact formula with simply computable terms with few time. To investigate of this technique, selected examples to show the ability, validity, accurately and effectiveness.
General Lagrange multiplier, Laplace transform, Laplace-variational, MSLVIM, Multi-step
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How to Cite this Article
AL-Jizani, Khalid Hammood and Abud, Ahmed Hanoon
"A novelty Multi-Step Associated with Laplace Transform Semi Analytic Technique for Solving Generalized Non-linear Differential Equations,"
Baghdad Science Journal: Vol. 20:
6, Article 2.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.21123/bsj.2023.6867