

Consider a simple graph ��=(��,��)on��vertices and ��edges together with a total ℎ–labeling ��:��(��)∪��(��)→{1,2,3,...,ℎ}. Then ρ is called (��,��)–total edge irregular labeling if there exists a one-to-one correspondence, say ��:��(��)→{��,��+��,��+2��,...+��+(��−1)��}defined by ��(����)=��(��)+��(��)+��(����)for all ����∈��(��),where ��≥3,��≥2.Also, the value ��(����)is said to be the edge weight of ����. The (��,��)−total edge irregularity strength of the graph G is indicated by (��,��)−������(��)and is the least ℎfor which G admits (��,��)–edge irregular h-labeling. In this article, (��,��)−������(��)for some common graph families are examined. In addition, an open problem (3,2)–������(��_(��,��)),��,��>2is solved affirmatively.


(a, d) – Irregular labeling, Edge irregular labeling, Irregular labeling, Irregularity strength, Total edge irregular labeling

Article Type

Supplemental Issue
