

Endometrial receptivity is the limiting phase in the success of IVF treatment, Invasion of human trophoblast cells to the endometrial is regulated by many factors such as EDN1 and IL-1β. This study aims to verify the relationship between polymorphism and gene expression of EDN1 and IL-1β genes with embryo implantation in infertile women under the IVF program. The peripheral blood samples were collected on the day of embryo transfer an hour after embryo transfer, after approval from 60 women, and divided according to the outcome of embryo implantation outcomes, the failure implantation group included 35 women, and the success implantation group included 25 women. The results of sequencing revealed two genetic variants in the EDN1 gene, SNP rs2070699 showed no association with the embryo implantation outcome in infertility women according to Fisher probability. SNP rs2070699 shows a higher frequency of genotypes GG and TT than the GT genotype in the study groups. Variant No.7196T>G on exon 2 shows that the TT genotype had the highest frequency in the success group, while the TG genotype recorded the highest frequency in the failure group. The results of EDN1 and IL-1β gene expression fold change showed non-significant differences between groups. The correlation between EDN1, and IL-1β gene expression showed a significant positive relationship. In conclusion, Genetic variants of the SNPs rs2070699 and No.7196 in EDN1 do not affect the gene expression level in infertility women under the IVF program. EDN1 and IL-1β gene expression have a significant positive relationship in the luteal phase and both are upregulated in women with successful implantation.


EDN1 gene, EDN1 gene expression, IL-1β gene, Polymorphism, Infertile Iraqi Women, IVF program

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