Due to the importance of the rice crop in Iraq, this study was conducted to determine the origin of the major varieties and understand the evolutionary relationships between Iraqi rice varieties and other Asian rice accessions that could be significant in the improvement of this crop. Phylogenomic analysis has been applied to clarify the relationship among rice species. Five varieties of Oryza sativa were obtained from the Agricultural Research Department in Iraq, (Amber33, Dijla, Ghadir, Baraka, and Black rice), and the whole genomic DNA was sequenced utilizing Next Generation Sequencing platforms based on DNA nanoball (DNB) technology. Sequences of 26 rice species were obtained from the NCBI Organelle Genome Resources database. Phylogenetic analysis of chloroplasts showed that they were separated into clades according to their region. Iraqi cultivars have been divided into two groups. The first one contains Amber33 and japonica NC_001320, while the other clade contains the Dijla, Ghadir, Baraka, and Black rice and indica NC_008155.
Chloroplast genome, Evolutionary relationships, Oryza AA genome, Phylogenetic analysis, Rice (Oryza sativa)
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Saloom, Raffal Ali and Moner, Ali Mohammad
"Diversity Study of Several Domesticated Rice (Local Cultivars) Cultivated in the Middle and South of Iraq Using NGS Technology,"
Baghdad Science Journal: Vol. 22:
2, Article 12.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.21123/bsj.2024.10073