

The current study aimed to evaluate the water quality of the Euphrates River in the area extending from Al-Shinafiyah to Al-Nasiriyah by studying the qualitative characteristics of the river and knowing the quality of its water, and that’s using the model Canadian(CCME WQI) and Weighted Arithmetic Index, the origin of the water is then classified according to the Piper and Schuler- Solen methods, and it turns out that all elements of the physical and chemical properties are high. As for the Canadian model, the index values range between (62.2–74.7), the highest value recorded for site (4), which is It is located within fair waters, and the lowest was for site (1), while the values of (Wi*Qi) for the weighted mathematical model ranged between (0.072–60.939). The highest value recorded was for the characteristic (PO4), while the lowest was for the characteristic (TDS), As for the classification of water quality, according to the Piper method, it was found that (3) of the water samples of the study area are classified as alkaline earth water, and that sulfates and chlorides are dominant in them. As for the other six samples, three of them had water quality in the form of chloride, and the other three were within the category of water rich in calcium, while according to the Schuler- Solen method, all water samples of the Euphrates River are from the group of chlorides and include one family, the sodium chloride family.


Assessing water quality, Euphrates River, Geographic information systems, Physical and chemical properties, Water quality indicators

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