In this research, a sensor for chemical solutions was designed and formed using optical fiber-based on a surface Plasmon resonance technology. A single-mode optical fiber with three different diameters (25, 45 and 65) µm was used, respectively. The second layer of the low refractive fiber was replaced by gold, which was electrically deposited at 40 µm thickness. For each of the three types of optical fiber, different saline concentrations (different index of refraction) were used to evaluate the performance of the refractive index sensor (chemical sensor) by measuring its sensitivity and resolutions. The highest values we could get for these two parameters were 240mm/RIU, and 6*10-5 RIU respectively, when the diameter of an optical fiber was 25µm.
Chemical optical fiber sensor, Chemical etching, Single mode optical fiber, Surface Plasmon Resonance
Article Type
Supplemental Issue
How to Cite this Article
Hammod, Haider Y. and Mossa, Tammara Jamal
"Influence of Optical Fiber Diameters on the Performance of Surface Plasmon Resonance Sensor,"
Baghdad Science Journal: Vol. 19:
6, Article 34.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.21123/bsj.2022.7156