
Volume 19, Issue 6 (2022) Including Supplemental Issue 6



Diagnosing COVID-19 Infection in Chest X-Ray Images Using Neural Network
Salim M. Zaki, Mustafa Musa Jaber, and Mohammed A. Kashmoola


Molecular Characterization of Potential Crop Pathogens Associated with Weeds as Endophytes in Uniilorin Plantations, Nigeria
A. A. Lateef, T. Garuba, K. A. Abdulkareem, B. U. Olayinka, G. S. Olahan, S. B. Adeyemi, and A. A. AbdulRahaman


Using Graph Mining Method in Analyzing Turkish Loanwords Derived from Arabic Language
Abbood Kirebut Jassim, Muneam Jabbar Hamzah, and Ahmed Hussein Aliwy


Steganography and Cryptography Techniques Based Secure Data Transferring Through Public Network Channel
Mohammed Abdullah Naser, Saif M. Kh. Al-alak, Ahmed Mohammed Hussein, and Majid Jabbar Jawad


Enhancement Ear-based Biometric System Using a Modified AdaBoost Method
Abdulkareem Merhej Radhi and Subhi Aswad Mohammed


Predictive Significance of Interleukins 17A and 33 in Risk of Relapsing–Remitting Multiple Sclerosis
Milad Abdul Salam Al-Naseri, Ali Hussein Ad’hiah, and Ehab Dawood Salman


Describing Polymers Synthesized from Reducing Sugars and Ammonia Employing FTIR Spectroscopy
Ghassan Faisal Mohsin, Wasan J. Al-Kaabi, and Azalldeen Kazal Alzubaidi


Investigation of the association of AGTR1 A1166C rs5186 and FTO rs9939609 polymorphisms with the obesity in children and adolescents
Alaa Hashim Abd Ali, Teplyakova E. D., Bocharova O. V., Karantysh G. V., and Shkurat T. P.


DC-SIGN Receptor Level in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients in Baghdad; Serological study
Hayam A. Mohammed, Zahra’a A. Ahmed, and Aymen A. Othman Alrawi

Supplemental Issue


Evaluation of Some Antioxidants and Oxidative Stress Tests in Iraqi Lung Cancer Patients
Israa F. Ascar, Fayhaa M. Khaleel, Areej Sh. Hameed, and Musaab Kadhim Alabboodi


Influence of Silver and Copper Nanoparticles on the Enzymatic Activity of Soil-Borne Microorganisms
Lyudmila I Zaynitdinova, Roxila N Juraeva, Javlon J Tashpulatov, Svetlana I Kukanova, Nikolay A Lazutin, and Aziza M Mavjudova


Land use change in Baghdad City and assessment of the Jadriyah and Umm Al- Khanazeer Island Important Bird Area (IBA) from 1984 to 2020
Nadheer A. Fazaa, Abdulrahman B. Ali, Ahmad JM AL-Jabinawi, Richard Francksen, and Mark J. Whittingham


Short Text Semantic Similarity Measurement Approach Based on Semantic Network
Naamah Hussien Hameed, Adel M. Alimi, and Ahmed T. Sadiq


An Evaluation of the Activity of Prepared Zinc Nanoparticles with Extracted Alfalfa Plant in the Treatment of Heavy Metals
Zainab Ridha Al-Bahadili, Abbas Ali Salih AL-Hamdani, Farqad Abdullah Rashid, Labeeb Ahmed Al-Zubaidi, and Suha Mohamed Ibrahim


Analysis of Fuel Burnup and Transmutations at High Burnup of Sodium Fast Breeder Reactor
Nehal Mohamed, Moustafa Aziz, M. El Ghazaly, and Ibrahim Bashter


Cluster Analysis of Biochemical Markers as Predictor of COVID-19 Severity
Suhayla K. Mohammed, Muzahem Mohialdeen Taha, Ekhlass M. Taha, and Massara Najim Abdulla Mohammad


Normal Self-injective Hyperrings
Mayssam Fadel Abood and Tamadher Arif Ibrahiem


Study the Nuclear Structure of Some Cobalt Isotopes
Ban Sabah Hameed and Basim Khalaf Rejah

Cover art