A total global dominator coloring of a graph is a proper vertex coloring of with respect to which every vertex in dominates a color class, not containing and does not dominate another color class. The minimum number of colors required in such a coloring of is called the total global dominator chromatic number, denoted by . In this paper, the total global dominator chromatic number of trees and unicyclic graphs are explored.
Global dominator coloring, Total domination number, Total dominator coloring, Total global domination number, Total global dominator coloring, Trees, Unicyclic graphs. MSC2020: 05C15, 05C69
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How to Cite this Article
K. P., Chithra and Mayamma, Joseph
"Total Global Dominator Coloring of Trees and Unicyclic Graphs,"
Baghdad Science Journal: Vol. 20:
4, Article 1.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.21123/bsj.2023.6457