
Volume 20, Issue 4 (2023) Including Special Issue 4

This Issue includes a Special Issue on the Current Advances in Anti-Infective Strategies



Kinetic and Theoretical Study of Removal Gentian Violet from Aqueous Solution Using Stachy Plant
Zhahraa A. Mahmood, Ahlam M Farhan, Nafeesa J Kadhim, and Muna S Hade


Digital Data Encryption Using a Proposed W-Method Based on AES and DES Algorithms
Wisam Abed Shukur, Luheb Kareem Qurban, and Ahmed Aljuboori


Degradation of Indigo Dye Using Quantum Mechanical Calculations
Halla T. Mohammed, Ahmed M. Kamil, Hayder M. Abduljalil, Abbas A- Ali Drea, and Mohammed A. Al-Seady


Synthesis, Anticancer and Antibacterial Activity of Mannose-based bis-1,2,3-Triazole Derivatives
Lamyaa Salih Mahdi, Adnan Ibrahim Mohammed, and Majed Jari Mohammed

Special Issue Articles


Adherence model to cervical cancer treatment in the Covid-19 era
María Luisa Quintero Soto, Javier Carreón Guillén, José Marcos Bustos Aguayo, Jorge Hernández Valdes, Gilberto Bermúdez Ruíz, Francisco Espinoza Morales, Arturo Sanchez Sanchez, Celia Yaneth Quiroz Campas Campas, Rosa María Rincón Ornelas, María del Rosario Molina González, and Cruz García Lirios


Studying the Effect of COVID-19 on Liver Enzymes and Lipid Profile in Iraqi Recovering Patients
Zainab Zouher Salman, Sanad Baqer Mohammed, and Samer Abdulhasan Muhi


A relationship study of coronavirus (COVID-19) infection, blood groups, and some related factors in Iraqi patients
Alyaa M. Zyara, Atheer Abdulrazzaq Aldoori, Farah Thamer Samawi, Shaymaa Ismael Kadhim, and Zainab Anwar Ali


The Influence of Obesity and IL-6 on Infertile Iraqi Women with COVID-19 Complications
Fayhaa M. Khaleel, Kadhim K. Ghudhaib, and Farah Emad Ali

Cover art